Websites and e-commerce

  • Language Service

    Web sites and e-commerce



Translating a website is known as "localisation". Localisation is complicated stuff. It requires skills and communicative abilities that go beyond what's needed in simple translation.

As a key tool for any company in the international market, a multi-lingual website has to adapt to the markets and culture of the countries it targets, if it's to be effective in promoting the company's message. The website's content is not just translated, it is adapted and, when need be, recreated to make it accessible and culturally attuned to the target market. To succeed in this task, we work with expert native speakers who are carefully chosen on the basis of the customer's work, in order to offer a quality translation service, providing effective advertising that fits the language, culture and business of the market.

To make you competitive and a leader in the global market.

One example? The e-commerce website of our customer Biotex, translated from Italian to English and German.

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